
TMI World of Money Video Library

Milton Friedman Collection

This page contains a collection of videos based on and/or created by a well known economist; Milton Friedman.
TMI offers these video links as part of its efforts to educate folks about economic and financial subjects.
TMI does not necessarily endorse all concepts covered in these videos. But TMI does believe many of these concepts
are well worth the effort it takes to ponder them and/or incorporate them into your overall economic knowledge base.

First, let's meet
Milton Friedman

And let's get to know his thoughts
(as long as allowed by YouTube.com anyway)


The Entire 10 Part "Free To Choose" Series

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9
Part 10

Other Suggested Milton Friedman Videos

The Tyranny of Control
(let us know if you find a better copy to watch)

Milton Friedman on Libertarianism

Milton Friedman on Why Large Corporations love Government Interference

The Corporation Parts 1 through 23 (let us know if you find copies to watch)